Wednesday 13 June 2012

Beware, Night Work Trigger Breast Cancer

Beware, Night Work Trigger Breast Cancer

WORKING night was not only physically fragile, but also threaten the health of women. Because the risk of breast cancer lurking.
The researchers warn that women who work the night shift have a higher risk of developing breast cancer by 40 percent. While the women who work the night shift is more than twice a week have twice the risk of developing breast cancer than women who worked the afternoon shift.

Symptoms of Cancer Most Often Ignored

Symptoms of Cancer Most Often Ignored

ATTACKS cancer can be a deadly disease. Know the symptoms in the beginning, before you got in a refractory phase.
Early-stage cancer would be cured, but often people do not realize if she had cancer until the disease is in the final stages of the deadly and difficult to cure. Here are some of the symptoms of cancer that is often overlooked a lot of people, as reported by Reader's Digest.

What to Do Let Quick Recovery from Pain

What to Do Let Quick Recovery from Pain

Disease can indeed be exhausting. Not infrequently, to heal and recover even takes a long time. But there are several ways you can make more rapid recovery from illness.
Viral infections such as smallpox, scarlet fever, typhoid or malaria will usually require a longer recovery period. To be able to recover quickly after illness, you should regain strength quickly.
Here are some ways to do the recovery period, as reported by boldsky, Thursday (14/06/2012):

View photos So Cute Make People More Sufficiency

View photos So Cute Make People More Sufficiency

The scientists theorize that cute baby created to evoke nurturing instincts of the parents. Research has shown that the characteristics of cute, small size, big-eyed and helpless infant which all mammals are created to arouse instinctive parental care.
In the absence of these characteristics, it is hard to convince adults to meet the demands of a small baby, but stubborn, urine and cranky. Despite not having a baby, many people like to see the babies, both human babies and baby dog ​​or cat. On Youtube, a video about the baby too much liked by the audience.

Powerful Ways To Work Overtime

Powerful Ways To Work Overtime

There are times when the work in the office take up so much time and energy so it must work overtime. Work outside the hours of exertion triggers the body of work outside of kebiasaannnya and susceptible to trigger exhaustion.
When the body is really tired, but circumstances did not allow it to rest, there are some things that can make it through the day. The goal is to provide extra energy and avoid things that can make fatigue worse.
As reported by Gizmodo, Wednesday (13/06/2012), the following are ways that can be done to keep the body energized for overtime.

Nutrition is important for the Princess of puberty Again

Nutrition is important for the Princess of puberty Again

Girls during puberty should get a nutritious food because it is very important for the health of her life, which will also affect the health of their children would. There are several important nutrients for girls who are puberty.
Puberty is a time when the body is ready for sexual reproduction system. At this very important nutrient in the body due to hormonal changes. Girls generally experience puberty at the age of 10-15 years. Nutritious food is important to overcome an eating disorder during this stage.

Dot Music Can Help Premature Babies Healthy

Dot Music Can Help Premature Babies Healthy

In addition to the use of an incubator to maintain the condition of premature infants after birth, until now no new tools or methods to accelerate the growth of premature infants.
But Florida State University has created a new tool that uses music to help address the growing problem of premature babies.
Innovative tool called the Pacifier Activated Lullaby (PAL) is being offered to various hospitals around the world through a partnership with the Powers Device Technologies Inc..

Fatty Acids in Infant Formula Infant Brain Work for Less

Fatty Acids in Infant Formula Infant Brain Work for Less

Current infant formulas are equipped with various fatty acids. But researchers revealed in these fatty acids did not provide significant benefits to enhance the ability of the infant brain.
The review of several studies indicate that infant formulas supplemented with fatty acids are made to imitate breast milk does not increase significantly the ability of the infant brain compared with formula without extra fatty acids.

Human disease is also Attacking Animals

Human disease is also Attacking Animals

Many diseases that threaten human life such as heart disease, cancer to sexually transmitted diseases. The disease also can threaten the lives of animals, because apparently animals can also suffer from the same disease in humans.
Natterson-Horowitz, a cardiologist at UCLA in consultation with the manager of the zoo in Los Angeles to help treat the disease found in animals. The results of these consultations is surprising because there are many similarities between human and animal health.

8 Healthy Habits is a waste of time

8 Healthy Habits is a waste of time

If dealing with healthy habits, everyone would have pakemnya respectively. Even though it also depends on the physical and mental condition of each person so not always be generalized.
But there are times when the mother, friends and lovers may suggest you make some healthy habits that often did these things because he thinks it is good for you too. But you know if it's not quite true?
Many health habits are 'transmitted' from one person to another or even from advertisements in the mass media that encourage you to think it's also healthy habits and appropriate for you. But it's not quite true benefits and a waste of your time for this.