Wednesday 13 June 2012

View photos So Cute Make People More Sufficiency

View photos So Cute Make People More Sufficiency

The scientists theorize that cute baby created to evoke nurturing instincts of the parents. Research has shown that the characteristics of cute, small size, big-eyed and helpless infant which all mammals are created to arouse instinctive parental care.
In the absence of these characteristics, it is hard to convince adults to meet the demands of a small baby, but stubborn, urine and cranky. Despite not having a baby, many people like to see the babies, both human babies and baby dog ​​or cat. On Youtube, a video about the baby too much liked by the audience.

A 2009 study conducted by Jonathan Haidt and his colleagues asked the study participants-sex female to play the classic game called the game operation. Game performed before and after watching a slide show puppies and kittens are very cute pictures of cats and dogs or adult who is not too cute.
In this game, players use tweezers to pick up a small plastic organs from patients without scrape the cavity of the organ. High dexterity is required in order not to ring the bell as a sign of a player deviates from the path.
Women who saw the photo of the little cats and dogs get points higher with an average of 1.8 organ managed to take more than the women who look at pictures of cats and adult dogs. The same effect was found when the experiment tested in men. Performance improvement was associated with perceptions and feelings of affection towards cute animals after seeing the photos.
The results also showed a relationship between the level of humor and care. Perception of something that is cute is not only trigger a sense of caring, but also improve the ability to express concern with the safest way. This is important because infants require delicate handling.
"The effect on the cutesy nature of participants to be more agile in executing motor movements appear to be associated with a cute photo. View photos of cute encourage the emergence of a gentle nature and encourage the positive nature rather than just an interest," the researchers said as quoted by The Atlantic on Thursday (14/6 / 2012).
Perceptions about the level of humor can also help to run other tasks that require dexterity, may even help perform surgery. Or controlling fine motor movements can also be enhanced by manipulating the images through Photoshop.
Researchers suspect that cutesy nature has a greater effect on positive emotions such as warmth, empathy and compassion. These properties are more useful in parenting and other situations that can lead to conflict.
Surprisingly, there has been no research that explores the relationship between the level of keimutan and mood. But those who see something cute generally become more spirit.

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